Fairfield welcomes pianist Sue as the newest resident

Susan Moser fills the lounge with music

Sue at the piano in Fairfield's lounge.

Sue studied music and the piano at the Royal Academy of Music, and during her long career she taught music and piano at a variety of schools in Surrey.   However, living at some distance from family was increasingly difficult so Sue decided to move to Oxford to be just a short distance from her daughter who lives within the City.  But which residential home should she choose?

When Sue and her daughter both independently identified Fairfield as the home of choice, Sue was keen to know whether the home could also accommodate her beloved piano.  She was delighted that it could move with her and be installed in the Fairfield lounge where she has delighted  residents and staff alike with music throughout the social area.

In the video attached, CLICK HERE, Sue plays an extract from Benjamin Godard’s Berceuse de Jocelyn.

When I decided I should move to a residential home in Oxford, I asked my daughter, independently, to look for a home which she thought would suit me.  When we compared notes, we had both chosen Fairfield – and it has been wonderful!

Sue Moser, Resident
Fairfield Residential Home
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