Fairfield’s Bubble Wrap!
Pedal power “forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air!”

Riding a bubble bike – having fun and using our muscles
Fairfield has a strong tradition of encouraging independence and purposeful living. It is too easy to slip into a passive frame of mind unless there are challenges and new experiences. Our residents have enjoyed using the virtual reality headsets which enable them to move about in imaginary worlds and this event was similarly novel.
On a sunny afternoon recently several residents used an unusual bicycle where pedalling produces bubbles instead of forward motion. Everyone admired the bubbles floating over the garden and amongst the staff and residents on the patio. The person pedalling got some gentle exercise and had the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of their labour drifting overhead, and for some it brought back vivid memories of bicycle exploits long ago.
We’ll try to repeat the event before the summer is over.

Residents use the static cycle to generate power to blow bubbles from the machine – the faster the pedalling, the more the bubbling!