Sensitive care in final days

A letter from grateful relatives

Thank you for caring

Sadly death is inevitable and from time to time we have to say farewell to a Fairfield resident. Having cared for our residents for many years we do all we can to make their last few days peaceful. Death is also difficult for the resident’s family to cope with and, despite knowing that it will come one day, it is always a very emotional time for everyone.

Being a care home for the elderly, Fairfield staff are well trained in caring for the old at the end of their lives and have experience in dealing with grief. That is why it is always rewarding to receive a letter of thanks from the immediate family and to know that our care is appreciated.

Mum knew that she was incredibly fortunate to have her home at Fairfield

Daughter of resident

The letter reproduced below was from the daughters of a 90-year-old resident who died peacefully in her own room here just after Christmas, surrounded by her family.

Dear Alison and Debbie

We want to thank you so much for the extremely sensitive and thoughtful way that you and your wonderful staff looked after Mum and our family in the final days of her life and the time following her death.  It was a sad time although we knew that Mum was very much ready to go, and we were very touched by the way your staff treated Mum when the time came, and ourselves in the hours we spent with Mum after she had died.  

Mum knew that she was incredibly fortunate to have her home at Fairfield, and we appreciate how much you supported her and also kept in touch with us through the various stages of her dementia and osteoporosis.  We are particularly pleased that you were able to accommodate her in the last few difficult weeks, rather than her having to move to a nursing home or hospital.

We look forward to seeing you soon, but in the meantime would be grateful if you could pass on huge thanks to all your wonderful staff for all they have done for Mum over the past few years.

Best wishes

Fairfield Residential Home
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